Mayflam Agriculture Investment

Mayflam Agriculture Investment

Agriculture and farming are vitally important for the United Kingdom as the sector constitutes a key supply source for the country’s food consumption needs. As of 2020, approximately 71 percent of the total area of the United Kingdom was used as agricultural land and the agricultural sector contributed more than 9 billion British pounds in gross value added (GVA) to the national economy in that year.

Farming in the UK is a very essential part of the overall economy as well as meeting the majority of our domestic food consumption needs. Overall, agriculture contributed around £24 billion of revenues and around £8.5 billion of Gross Value Added to the UK economy in 2015. Agriculture also provides around 475,000 jobs directly, as well as supporting a further 30,000 jobs through procurement activity benefiting other sectors of the UK economy (ranging from manufacturing, transport and construction through to professional and financial services). Agriculture also plays a vital role providing 61% of the raw materials for the wider UK agri-food industry which is worth around £108 billion of GVA to the national economy and provides over 3.7 million jobs. The agri-food sector as a whole generates around £18 billion of gross export earnings for the UK each year.

Farming also plays an important role in managing the environment of over 70% of the UK’s land area. Farmers are responsible for managing both important landscape features and providing habitats for wildlife of local, national and international importance. The overall value of these habitat and species protection services is estimated to be worth around £672 million each year.

Farmland also plays a positive environmental role by acting as a carbon sink. The overall value of this service is estimated to be worth around £514 million each year. there is all year around demand for agricultural product and raw materials that’s the reason why Mayflam group decided to join the agricultural sector and our profit is guaranty. Below is the 4 main agro sector we dear with and which turns out to be some of the most demanded agricultural product and raw materials

Maize Production

Maize is probably the most rapidly growing crop in the UK – up from just 8,000 hectares in England in 1973 to 183,000 hectares in 2014. Most maize is used as silage for animal feed, especially for dairy cattle, but increasingly maize is being grown as an energy crop for anaerobic digesters (AD) that are subsidized from public money to produce gas for fuel. Maize produces high yields, both per hectare as a crop and per cubic meter of biogas. Because it is the most readily grown bulk product it has become the core feedstock for AD plants. The use of maize for silage is now known to have a significant negative effect on the nutritional content of both milk and meat. Eating maize may also make both badgers and cattle more susceptible to TB. The National Farmers Union’s plans would see an additional 125,000 hectares of maize grown in England by 2020. This threatens UK food production - the land the NFU wants to be used to grow fuel could produce over 1 million tonnes of wheat, or over 5.5 million tonnes of potatoes.
Maize around the world
Originating in Central America, maize is now one of the world’s most important cereal crops. It is grown for human and animal consumption, with 184 million hectares grown globally in 2013.1 With demand for meat and starch increasing around the world, annual maize production is at an all-time high of 992 million tonnes, a figure which is expected to increase by 3% year-on-year.

Wheat Cultivation

After a 40-year low in wheat production, the United Kingdom (UK) is projected to sharply increase its wheat output in the 2021-22 marketing year to 14.75 million tonnes, up 5 million tonnes from the previous year, according to an April 21 Global Agricultural Information Network report from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). “The total wheat area is forecast to increase nearly 400,000 hectares in 2021-22,” the USDA said. “Fall planting conditions were much improved on those for the 2020 harvest and growers have returned to cropping more winter wheat, following a significant switch to spring crops, mainly barley, in 2020-21.”

As result, barley production is projected to decline from 8.1 million tonnes a year ago to 7.2 million tonnes in 2021-22. Total UK grain production, which includes wheat, barley, oats and mixed grains, is forecast at 23.1 million tonnes, 4 million tonnes higher than the previous year but about 1.7 million tonnes below the 2019-20 level.
The USDA said last year’s poor wheat crop has led to increased incorporation of barley in the country’s feed rations and increased imports for corn for use in the biofuel sector in 2020-21. However, projected feed and residual use of wheat is projected to reach 7.55 million tonnes in 2021-22, up from 6 million tonnes last year, while feed use of barley is forecast to drop to 4 million tonnes from last year’s 5.3 million tonnes.
“Of most interest in the Food, Seed and Industrial sector in 2021-22 is a forecast increase in the use of grain in the bioethanol sector following the UK government’s recent announcement to phase in E10 fuel in the UK from this September,” the USDA said. “A previously closed facility will reopen while the other UK facility is not only expected to increase production but also switch back to processing mainly domestic feed quality wheat after a price-driven switch to imported corn in 2020-21.”

Cattle Meat

Beef production methods:
Suckled calf production Where calves are reared by their mothers until they are weaned at around six to eight months of age and then fattened ready for slaughter elsewhere. Finishing systems Where animals are fed a diet to get them ready for slaughter. Store production Where young animals are grown quite slowly using relatively inexpensive home-grown crops.  End of rearing Young bulls, steers (castrated bulls) and heifers (young females) can all be used in beef production and are slaughtered at different ages and weights depending on what the buyers want. Veal production Traditionally, the beef and dairy industries have been linked, with unwanted calves from the dairy industry bought by beef farmers to be reared for beef. However over the years this situation has changed, mainly because dairy calves have not been considered to be of good enough quality to be reared for beef. This has resulted in many of them being killed on-farm or transported to the continent for further fattening as veal, often in systems that would not be legal in the UK. Since 2006, the RSPCA, along with a number of other organisations have been working to encourage the use of these animals to supply the home beef market. Number of beef cattle The number of beef breeding cows in the UK was around 1.56 million in 2019¹. ¹Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (2019) The UK Cattle Yearbook 2019 Breeds The pure beef breeds of cattle that are used include early-maturing British breeds such as the Aberdeen Angus and the Hereford, and later-maturing continental breeds such as the Limousin and the Charolais.